Planning Ahead

One of the traits of people who successfully lose weight and keep it off, is that they plan ahead. In it’s most simplistic sense, you can see that if you want to be successful at anything you need to do some preparation in advance to ensure your success.

These are the things that can make you successful, here’s how it plays out with members that I work with:

  • they plan their meals for the week in advance (it may be that they plan 2-3 big meals and then intend to have leftovers, or they shop for the week on Saturday or Sunday)
  • they write in their planned workouts in their schedule (or phone/computer) for the upcoming week or month
  • they check restaurant menu’s in advance of eating out with friends, etc
  • they plan to have “cheat” meals or meals where they eat whatever they want, that way they know it’s coming up and they can plan their week accordingly

Planning and preparation are key in successful weight loss. This week I challenge you to take things up a notch and see where you can do a better job of planning. Write down what you commit to doing and take action. Let me know how you do!