Overcoming Obstacles Part 2: summertime challenges

Summer is officially here (well, Monday the 21st to be exact), but you get what I mean, right? The weather is warm, we have afternoon thunderstorms, perhaps bathing suits are in your forecast…

Here at Real Fitness Coaching we teach our members about what to expect along the way to their goal, because we want them to be successful in keeping their weight off. That’s what this “Overcoming Obstacles” series is all about. We want you to jump up and down if you’re encountering obstacles! This is great! Obstacles are opportunities. If you can see it that way, then you can begin to develop new strategies that will help you stay successful in the long run.

Obstacle #2: Every season presents challenges… Summertime is just so fun!

You might initially think that summer would be one of the easiest seasons to keep in shape, but there are pitfalls that can happen to any of us. Typically this is a time for BBQ’s, parties, happy hour with friends. Sometimes we lose track of our fitness & nutrition routine because we just want to play. We deserve it right?

Yes you do deserve to play! We encourage all our members to add in things like hiking, biking, or whatever outdoor activities make your heart sing during the summertime. That being said, these fun activities should be added to resistance workouts and metabolic interval classes that are crucial for strength gains and fat loss. Talk to your coach about what activities you want to do this summer and we’ll look together at the whole week and plan out how many of each type of workout fit into your schedule. That way you can relax knowing you’ve got all your bases covered, and you’re still on track with your personal fitness goals.

At Real Fitness Coaching we want you to be successful reaching your goals. We have 3 tools to share with you that will help you with summertime obstacles:

1. Try an outdoor workout that you can do without any equipment at all.

2.  Ask yourself if you are getting at least 2 resistance workouts each week. If you’re not, ask us for help! We can help you make a plan or schedule extra sessions with us.

3.  When you go to a party or BBQ, bring a healthy dish. That way you can feel comfortable knowing there is something you’ll enjoy and feel good about eating. Here are a few ideas: a green salad with grilled shrimp or chicken, turkey asparagus wraps, fruit salad served with greek yogurt or chilled gazpacho soup.

Overcoming obstacles on the way to your goal is normal and to be expected. If you’re feeling frustrated be sure to talk to your coach about it, because our job is to help you develop new strategies that will help you overcome your obstacles. We can also share stories of others who’ve been there. We don’t want you to give up when things get hard.

Stay tuned for more tips on “Overcoming Obstacles.” and enjoy the summer!