Nutrition Tips from our FEB 2013 Member of the Month

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Laura started training with us at Real Fitness Coaching in January 2013. She came in a little nervous to make changes, but also eager to improve her health and fitness. When we offered our 21-day Fat Loss Program she jumped at the chance and joined in. Not only did she learn a ton about nutrition during the program, she really made some great new habits that she’s been able to keep up. She ended up losing 8 pounds of fat in the program, and over 4 inches!!

Just last month, Laura received our Real Fitness Coaching February 2013 Member of the Month Award. We pick members each month and recognize them for the way they live out our RFC Core Values. This includes: creating community, striving to be better, making health and fitness a priority, having fun and more. Laura comes in to her training sessions and classes with a smile, and always positive! She asks tons of great questions, and is clearly eager to learn and improve!

One of Laura’s biggest takeaways in working with us at RFC has been the habit of planning. She got to experience picking recipes, writing up a grocery list, shopping weekly for healthy foods, preparing meals and snacks ahead of time, all during our 21-day Program. Those habits are what has changed her body. NOW, she has lost more than 12 pounds of fat, and she’s dropped into the healthy category for body fat. Not only is she stronger, fitter, and leaner, she’s able to keep up the nutrition changes and keep seeing results each month.

Congratulations Laura! We are incredibly proud of you and the hard work you’ve put into your training sessions, metabolic classes and your nutrition.

Bonus Tips:

  • Laura had a trip in February and she knew that when she got back, she’d have to go straight into work. To prepare for this situation, she shopped and stocked her fridge, freezer and pantry with items she’d need when she returned. This is huge! I have never had a client that thought through this beforehand. One of the hardest parts is planning ahead and taking the time to anticipate obstacles. When clients come home from trips and there is no food, it can derail them, and they tend to go grab food out for a while until they can get to the store. Now, they had a week of travel (food usually not 100% on track) and now another week of crappy, unplanned food! That can mean the client gained weight, and has to start over again. How frustrating!
  • When Laura started with RFC, she hated going to the grocery store. Most likely because she hadn’t had a plan of what to shop for. Now, it’s less unpleasant because she has a plan, goes in and shops off her list. This one strategy saves money and calories. When we shop without a plan, we are left to the marketing devices of the grocery store, and we are often tempted to buy more sugary, convenience, snack items. We overspend, and then we overeat on empty calories of processed and sugary foods.
  • When going out to eat somewhere, Laura looks up the website and figures out some options that are healthy for her to order. This strategy is crucial. When you are hungry, and sit down at a restaurant, logic and common sense tend to slip away, and cravings kick in. When you read the menu beforehand, you can take your time, read through some good options for proteins and veggies. This strategy prepares you and gets you into the mindset of ordering a healthy option, so that when you get there, it’s easier to make good choices.