Are you exhausted after this past year? How do we come back from it all?

Take a look at this sample conversation between me and a client and see what you think. Do you see yourself in the dialogue? Or maybe someone you know? Let’s call this client Mary and see what she has to say…

Coach Sarah: “Mary, how are you doing? It seems like you’ve got a lot on your mind today and I’m curious how things are really going for you at the moment.”

Client Mary: “To be honest Sarah, I’m just exhausted. It’s been such a trying year. At work I put on a happy face and really try to act like everything is fine. But, on the inside I feel like I’m about to fall apart. Some days I just collapse when I get home from work and have things taken care of for the kids and my husband. Between the pandemic and several difficult family issues, my strength and kindness have really been stretched to their limits. I find myself always attending to everything else besides myself. I know thats not good or sustainable, but I feel stuck in this merry go round. There never seems to be time to focus on myself, my health, or my sanity. And now that things are opening up it seems like even more will be expected of me. For example, I’m going to have to travel for work again. That will take up even more of my time. I really want to get back to taking care of myself but it feels overwhelming. Where will I ever fit that in? I try to start eating better and exercising more but I never seem to gain any traction. It feels like too much to keep all these balls up in the air at once, and I don’t even know where to begin.”

Coach Sarah: “Mary, I would like to say that from my perspective its quite impressive how strong you’ve had to be this past year amidst such challenging circumstances. Its truly admirable how you’ve really stayed strong. And if its ok to speak frankly, I am guessing that all the strength you’ve had to muster up has truly taken a toll, hasn’t it? I bet it leaves you feeling drained, exhausted and spent. Probably with nothing else to give to anyone else let alone the person who really needs it, yourself. Am I right? This really is just a lot for one person to handle. And even though everyone is facing their own challenges, it doesn’t change the fact that how you feel is how you feel. And its incredibly real and true for you.”

Client Mary:Exactly. I always feel so bad because despite my struggles, I know many people have it worse than I do, and so I get stuck thinking I shouldn’t be a whiner, I should be grateful for what I do have.”

Coach Sarah: “Yep, we can get stuck there for sure. It can feel so daunting to think about how to crawl back up to the surface where we can truly discover how to care for ourselves. Where we can make good choices for our health and wellness. This is so important, more now than ever before. It truly matters that you find ways to get the support you need to begin putting together the pieces of an integrated wellness plan that will increase your energy and wellbeing. Just remember though that you are not alone. Others are facing this very same challenge. Even though our stories might sound different, we all are wanting to re-connect with ourselves in an authentic way. Just knowing you are not alone can be comforting. Doing it with others and receiving support can make each step forward feel just a little bit easier.”

So, I’m curious to hear what you thought after reading this dialogue? Did any of it resonate with you? What do you want your wellness plan to look like? What is important to you when it comes to taking care of yourself?

I am not certain if this will be a fit for you, and it might not be, but my upcoming Energy Reboot Program is available to 3 more people who are eager to feel more energy, get better sleep, and reclaim their freedom. Its a safe program of 4 other people like yourself working together with me over 6 months at your own pace to develop your own personal wellness plan. You will be supported, encouraged and motivated to make changes as we all work together alongside each other. If you think this might sound supportive and exciting send me an email and we can talk more. Click here to send me an email.

Wishing you health,

Sarah 🙂